[소소한일상] Why is IP important?소소한이야기 2024. 3. 24. 15:32728x90반응형
4 reasons that you should understand IP and the IP System
1 IP provides you with a recognised business advantage over your competitiors
2 It is important to know shich IP you own and shich IP you need to access
3 It is vital that you are aware which IP belongs to someone else and which rights you could infringe upon
4 IP is an intangible asset and my be reflected as such on your business' balance sheet, thereby increasing your business' value and attractiveness for an investment, sale or merger
* intangible asset 무형자산
* tangible asset 유형자산
Patent Strategy
1 File for patent protection in each of the countries where one would like to manufacture as well as in any countries where the closest competitors ans users reside
2 File for prtection in any countries where there is an active or potential market
The patent strategy must be will thought out to cover the jurisdictions where the business market for the technology will be
Trade Secrets Strategy
Maintain the confidentiality of trade secrets
Trade Name Strategy
Register in every country where a product will be made, used, sold and/or exported to
Copyright Strategy
Generally, the rights exist auomatically when reduced to material form (Berne Convention member countries)
Combination of Patent and Copyright
Check for patent protection for computer programs, too
Desigh Strategy
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