[소소한일상] 영어 어휘 확장 - 의견소소한이야기 2024. 10. 13. 00:31728x90반응형
자신의 의견을 확실한 진리처럼 주장하는, 독단적인
Claiming one's opinion as though it were the unarguable truth
그리스어 dogma(고정된 믿음)에서 유래
highly opinionated 매우 고집이 센
become dogmatic in his insistence on ~
δόγμα (dógma)
교리, 신념
특히 종교적이거나 철학적 맥락에서 사용
어떤 집단이나 조직이 공식적으로 책택한 믿음이나 원칙을 나타내는 용어didactic
교훈이나 지식을 주려 하되 잘난 체하는 태도의, 설교조의
trying to instruct or impart knowledge, but typically in a way that is slightly condescending
autodicdact 독학자
διδάσκω (didásko)
가르치다, 배우다retract
(전에 한 말을) 취소하다, 철회하다
to take back a statement or an offer
동의어 forswear, deny
re(뒤로) + tractare (끌다) : 뒤로 끌어당기다assertive 확신에 찬
During the meeting, she was assertive in expressing her opinions, ensuring that her voice was heard among her colleagues.
repudiate 거절하다, 거부하다
The politician was quick to repudiate the allegations made against him, insisting that they were completely false and unfounded.
adamant 단호한, 물러서지 않는
Despite the pressure from his peers, he remained adamant about his decision to pursue a career in environmental science.
doctrinaire 독단적인, 교조적인, 상황이 바귀었는데도 특정 방식을 고수하는
The professor’s doctrinaire approach to teaching left little room for discussion, as he insisted on adhering strictly to his own theories.
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