[소소한일상] 영어 어휘 확장 수다스럽다 영어로는?소소한이야기 2024. 10. 9. 23:32728x90반응형
과묵한, 말을 잘 안 하는, 생각을 자유롭게 표현하지 않는
Tight-lipped, not offering one's thoughts freely
A: "Why did you keep quiet during the meeting? You had some great ideas!"
B: "I guess I'm just a bit reticent when it comes to speaking up in large groups."
A: "I understand. But your input is really valuable; you should share more!"
B: "Thanks, I'll try to be more vocal next time."
필요 이상으로 말이 많은, 수다스러운
speaking more than necessary, chatty
동의어, loquatious
A: "Did you meet Sarah at the party last night?"
B: "Yes, she was so garrulous! I could hardly get a word in."
A: "I know! Once she starts talking, it's hard to stop her."
B: "True! But her stories are entertaining."
필요 이상의 단어를 사용하는, 장황한
using more words than necessay
garrulous 말에만 국한, verbose는 글에도 적용
반의어, succinct 간결한, concise 간략한
tacitum 말수가 적은, 뚱한, 과묵한
mince 점잖게, 완곡하게 말하다
hedge 얼버무리다
loquacious 수다스러운, 장황한
palaver 잡담, 수다, 재잘거림
728x90반응형'소소한이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글
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