[소소한책공부] 듀이십진분류 DDC 23소소한이야기 2019. 11. 5. 11:17728x90반응형
성 프란치스코의 생애
헤르만 헤세
듀이십진분류 : 271.3 / 271.302 / 282.092(국립중앙도서관)
271.302 : Franciscans --- biography
271.3 Franciscans (Gray Friars) + T2-2 Biography
Table 2. Geographic Areas, historical periods, biography
T2-2 Biography
271.3 : Franciscans (Gray Friars)
* Franciscans : 프렌치스코 회 회원 / 성 프란체스코의 ; 프란체스코회의
* Gray Friars : 프란체스코회 수도사
271 : Religious congregations and orders in church history
* Religious congregations : 수도원, 수도회
Religious orders : 수도회
270 : History of Christianity
200 : Religion
282.092 : Roman Catholics-biography
282 Roman Catholic Church + T1-092 Biography
Table 1 Standards Subdivisons
T1 - 09 History, geographic treatment, biography
T1 -092 Biography
282.09 : History, geographic treatment, biography
282 : Roman Catholic Church
280 : Christian denominations
* Christian denomination : 교파
인텔리전스 기반 사고 대응
사이버 위협 정보 수집과 분석 그리고 위협 사냥을 위한 인텔리전스 활용 방안
스콧 로버츠, 레베카 브라운
Intelligence-Driven Incident Response: Outwitting the Adversary
듀이십진분류 : 364.168
364.168 : Business, financial, professional offenses
Including criminal usury, cyberterrorism, unfair trade practices; violation of antitrust laws, of laws with respect to securities and their exchange. Class here computer, white collar crime.
* usury : 고리대금업
364.16 : Offenses against property
364.1 : Crimianl offenses
364 : Criminology
360 : Social problems & socail services
300 : Social sciences
정치적 감정
정의를 위해 왜 사랑이 중요한가
마사 누스바움
Political Emotions : Why Love Matters for Justice
듀이십진분류 : 320.019
320.019 : Psychological principles
32 Political science + T1 - 019 Psychological principles
Table 1. Standard Subdivisions
T1 -01 Philosophy and theory
T1 -019 Psychological principles
Use for applications of individual psychology only, not for applications of social psychology
Including psychology of learning specific subjects
Class social psychology in 302
Class psychology of learning a specific subject at primary level in 372.3-372.8
Class interdisciplinary works on psychology in 150
320.01 : Philosophy and theory
320 : Poliitical Science (Politics and government)
320 : Political science
300 : Political sciences
728x90반응형'소소한이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글
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